Good Habits for Staying Safe in a Hotel

With summer in full swing, many of us will be traveling and
taking well-earned vacations. Most will stay in hotels, and like any other
time, a top priority is keeping you and your family safe.

Much like home security, staying safe on vacation requires smart
practices. Here are some habits we recommend when staying in hotels:

  • Avoid
    staying on the first floor. While the first floor may provide easy access
    to the pool or beach, it also gives potential burglars easy access to your
    room. It’s actually recommended you stay anywhere between the third and sixth
    floor – this will make it difficult for burglars to break in through your
    balcony, and will also keep you close enough to the ground floor in the event
    of an evacuation.
  • Keep your
    room door closed and locked at all times. You have your key to get in to
    the room with you, so there’s no reason to leave the door open. Your door is
    the best line of defense if used properly. Be sure to also use the deadbolt and
    chain locks when you’re in the room.
  • Use the
    peephole. If someone knocks on your door, use the peephole to make sure you
    recognize that person. And if they claim to be hotel staff, an easy way to
    confirm is by simply calling the front desk and making sure that person is who
    they say. It’s always better to be safe than sorry you let the wrong person in.
  • Make your
    room appear occupied. When you leave your room, be sure to leave a light
    and the TV on. If it sounds like someone is in your room, it’s much less likely
    a burglar will attempt to break in and steal your belongings.
  • Don’t
    leave valuables around. Just like at home, it’s best not to leave valuables
    out and in eyesight. But even more importantly, hotel staff will most likely be
    in and out of your room while you’re gone, so it’s better to use the safe in
    the room, take valuable items with you, or simply leave them with someone at
    the front desk.

There’s no bigger wet blanket on a great family vacation
than theft or the loss of valuable items and souvenirs. Stay safe this summer,
and enjoy yourselves!

Contact Crime Prevention today and we’ll install a custom home security system to protect your house and property while you’re away.

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