Arming the system sets the security sensors to an alarm state. The Armed Away status sets both contact sensors and motion sensor into an alarm state, while Armed Stay status only sets contact sensors to an alarm state.

Arming Options– When you select one of the arming buttons (Stay/Away), a pop-up will display available options for your system. Options may vary depending on your system configuration.

Silent Arming – By default, when you arm your system, the panel makes exit delay beeps. Silent Arming allows you to arm the system without any noise.

No Entry Delay– Once armed, the system will bypass the entry delay that normally occurs when an entry/exit zone is violated.

Bypass Open Zones– The system will bypass open zones while arming the system. This feature can be used to attempt to force the system to arm regardless of zones that may be open. When bypassed, a zone will not trigger an alarm on the system.


To arm the system from the customer website: 

  1. Log into your customer account.
  2. Click the Shield icon on the Security card.
  3. Click STAY to arm the system to stay mode, or AWAY to arm the system to away mode.
    • Note:  Systems with bypass capabilities will show a Bypass Sensors checkbox that, when checked, will not arm secured sensors.


To arm the system from the customer app:

  1. Log into the customer app.
  2. Scroll down to the Security System card.
  3. Tap the Shield icon.
  4. Tap the desired Arming Status.
    • Arm Stay.
    • Arm Away.


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