Who’s a Good Fit for Home Automation Technology?


At Crime Prevention Security Systems, we always enjoy
talking about the next big thing in home security. And while home automation is far
from new, it’s still unfamiliar to a lot of people. Home automation is really
just getting all the technology in your house working together so you can
monitor and affect changes in your home from anywhere. That translates to
improved home security, peace of mind and making your life easier.

Not sure what home automation is capable of or if it’s right
for you? Take a look below to see how home automation services can fit into
your life.

The Busy Professional
We’ve all missed work to let a repairman inside the house. But
what if you could safely let him in and monitor his work right from your
office? With home automation, the repairman can call you when he arrives at
your house, and you can unlock the door from your smartphone. Then, you can
watch his progress via webcam, and even talk to him if there’s a problem that
needs your attention. If he’s only supposed to work in one part of the house,
you can even keep certain doors locked so he can’t wander into unwanted areas.
Once he’s done, just lock the front door behind him and set the alarm from your

The Latch-key Kid’s
You can’t always be home to let your kids into the house
after school, especially if work gets in the way. It’s easy to give your kids a
key, but what happens when they inevitably lose it? With home automation, there’s
an easy solution: you can either set your home security system
to automatically disarm and your front door to unlock for 15 minutes and then
re-lock once you know your kid gets home, or just wait for a call and unlock
the house from your phone. You’ll always know your kids were able to get home
and that the house is secure.

The Vacationer
Even if you have a home security system, going on vacation
can be a little nerve-wracking. Simply leaving the lights on doesn’t work,
because nothing says “Nobody’s home!” like your living room lights burning all
day and all night. Home automation takes the old lamp trick one step farther –
you can set your lights to turn on and off at specific times, then you can run
the TV in the bedroom for an hour, and then wake up the CD player in the
morning. And just to be extra sure that your home is safe, you can monitor your
security cameras from a phone or tablet at any time. Home automation, matched
with a home security system, can seriously change the way you interact with
your home.

Call Crime Prevention Security Systems today to learn more about home automation, and
then learn why you should use a trusted home security company to run your home automation.

Serving Orlando, Gainesville, Jacksonville and Surrounding Areas

Crime Prevention Security Systems

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