Trick or treating safety rightfully gets a lot of attention, but it’s also important to keep in mind securing the spaces around your home this time of year. Consider these safety tips to ensure hosts and guests have a spooktacular time.
At your apartment:
- While it’s still light out, give the sidewalks, pathways and lawns surrounding your building a once over. Clear away any downed branches or obstructions so neighborhood kids don’t hurt themselves in the dark.
- Check the lighting around your building’s entrances and windows, and make sure any back entrances (including windows) are locked. Visitors will use pathways that probably don’t get a lot of traffic on most nights.
- Keep jack-o-lanterns, buckets and other decorations a safe distance from ledges and stairs. That way they can’t fall over and hit trick-or-treaters below – or cause a tumble from the top of the stairs.
Around the house:
- All of the above apply!
- Be conscientious of open flames. A freshly carved jack-o-lantern right next to your front door might be great for welcoming wizards and werewolves, but make sure the candles aren’t in a position to catch any capes, costumes or brooms on fire.
- Keep the driveway and walkway to your front door easily visible so youngsters don’t trip as they approach. Consider moving vehicles into the garage.
- Lock up gates that lead to the back yard, and remember to keep your backyard well lit all year around.
- Consult with neighbors and agree on a candy cut-off time. Opening the door too late at night increases the risk that visitors are up to no good.
If you won’t be at home:
- Remember to lock up potential entrances before you head out for the night.
- Monitor your home with home automation – this way you can get alerts and updates on your smartphone from anywhere.
No matter where you’ll be, it’s important to keep safety precautions in mind around Halloween. Securing your yard, apartment or house helps the whole neighborhood enjoy the Fall Festival.
For your year-round home security needs, contact Crime Prevention Security Systems today.